New Phishing Attacks Use HTML Email Attachments
HTML attachments as an attack vector may seem a little old school. However, according to statistics compiled by Kaspersky Lab indicates that in 2022, that form of attack is not just simply …
HTML attachments as an attack vector may seem a little old school. However, according to statistics compiled by Kaspersky Lab indicates that in 2022, that form of attack is not just simply …
Do you own and manage a WordPress site either personally or as part of your business? Do you also use the Tatsu plugin which offers a powerful suite of in-browser editing features …
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued an advisory that serves as a stark warning. If you’re using VMware products that are impacted by recently disclosed critical security flaws, either …
If you’re not familiar with the term, a Zero Day exploit is a security flaw that the software vendor is not aware of and hasn’t yet patched. In many (but not all) …
Phishing campaigns get more effective the more closely they can imitate a trusted source. Recently, security researchers at Fortinet discovered evidence of a phishing campaign that specifically targets Microsoft Windows users and …
Security researchers employed by Microsoft have recently spotted a variant of the Sysrv botnet. They have dubbed the new variant Sysrv-K. This new variant works in two ways. First, it exploits a …